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How safe are your semi-integrated batteries

Started by Naranja_CT5+, September 18, 2024, 01:19:13 PM

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Before I even got my RC5+ on the road. I read that a lot of people were having problems with their batteries getting unlocked (stolen) using a blank Honda keys.

Am I confusing this issue with the older type batteries and nothing to do with the semi-integrated battery?

The reason why I am asking is that I am wondering if I should be taking the semi-integrated out of the bike when I leave my RC5+ unattended.

For obvious reasons, I really do not want to be carrying my battery every time I have to leave my bike.

Any thoughts?
Literally is LITERALLY the most annoying word of the decade.


The problem was corrected with the newer integrated batteries. 

So you shouldn't have to worry.

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