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Battery Removal on RAD Rover

Started by George3, April 24, 2021, 08:19:34 PM

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I am always having a considerably difficult time removing my battery from my Rover 5. I have owned the bike for eight months have 1,400 miles on it and every single time I remove the battery it is a huge struggle. And I do mean huge. Today, I smashed my arm on the cross bar, thereby protecting the battery no doubt by my arm is now dark purple.

Is there some trick I am missing? I am now thinking of just greasing the entire rail and on the outside of the connectors because this is driving me nuts.

Any hints?


On my 2018 Rover, I place my hand behind the battery, between it and the down tube using it for leverage, and it comes loose from the connecter and just slides right off. It should not be that tight on the rails. You may want to check the locking post on the bottom of the battery and make sure the 2 screws are tight. I've read others having that issue and the loose screws allowed the "unlocked" bolt to drop down just enough to hang it up.


Thanks for your reply. I do, as you suggested, always use my hand at the bottom as leverage to try to dislodge the battery as well as gently tapping it from side to side but it is still a struggle.  It has been that way since new. The locking screw seems to be perfectly flush and with the battery mounted the key works very well without any resistance. 

After my ride today I am going to dismount the tray and see if that may provide some clue as to why this is getting stuck.

Thanks again,


Dan B

On my RAD 5 I had to unloosen the screws on the attachment bracket and move the bracket down about 1/4". The battery was striking the frame of the bike when I was pushing it upward for removal. Now it clears the frame and I have no issues. I also put petroleum jelly on the bracket and some electrical contact grease on the connectors which also helps in removal and replacement.


Dan B,

Thanks for the hints. I will fiddle with the bracket again and see if another adjustment here and there might help. I have already greased the rails and that helped a bit. I will get some electrical grease and do the connectors also. Once again, thanks.


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