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Radrunner motor replacement warranty?

Started by lunr, August 17, 2023, 02:03:43 AM

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Unfortunately my Radrunner's motor winding decided to fully give up on me, which means that I need to replace the motor. The bike itself is about 1.5 years old, which made me wonder whether this is somehow covered under a warranty? I personally think that it's a way too short amount of time for the motor to fail and isn't just normal wear. I haven't used the bike very heavily either, which furthermore would confirm that this is not any kind of usual wear and tear.

Any help would be amazing!


Sorry to hear your motor has failed.   Have you confirmed it is the motor and not the controller? 
Either way I doubt you are going to get RAD to replace anything outside of the 1 year warranty. 

You can check Area 13 for motors and controllers.  Both are about $200 each.  If you upgrade your motor, you will have to upgrade your controller first.  But if you buy a stock motor then you don't have to upgrade the controller. 

If you don't find what you are looking for on Area 13's website, email them.  They have been very helpful to me in the past. 


Out of curiosity how many miles are on the motor?
Did your motor give any hints that it was dying?

Sent from my TB310FU using Tapatalk


Well I replaced my original motor early for a larger one, but the original I got 1400 miles on it. 

I have 4400 on the upgraded motor. 

Both motors are the same manufacturer.  Bafang

I have read some people getting 10,000 miles on the original, but they might not have many hills to climb.   

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