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Loose wired connection, capped but loose and no where to connect!

Started by Freakyninja, June 27, 2023, 06:48:55 PM

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I just assembled my Radrover 6 Plus today and all connections are joined how they?re supposed to but both displays are not functioning. I noticed a wired connection pointing down toward the fork. It is capped but loose. I removed the cap and it is covering a 6 pronged connection. Problem is, there?s nothing to connect to.
I have another 6 plus (Bought last summer) and compared the two and my first bike doesn?t have this extra wired connection.
Anybody have this issue with there?s??


The capped connector is likely your accessory connector. As for the display not working, make sure the connectors to the displays have no broken or bent pins. Either way, if you don't get it working then call Rad support.

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