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RAD Phone lines "shut off" for at least 2 days this week

Started by joeliniowa, April 28, 2023, 01:30:26 PM

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If you call sales, you get told to go to "".  If you call SUPPORT, you get told to go to & click on chat.  I'm currently #31 inline.

What is going on?

anyone else?

Sorry I haven't used ICQ, AIM, MSN, YIM for over 15 years.  Neither should you.  Search my name on FB, YT, TW, & those others.  I've been online since 1992. Most of that time as a Systems & Network Engineer.


Their "phone support" team all now nave keyboards for "chat".  Their SIP phone system died.  Hopefully "early" next week, it will be up.  It's going to be an interesting "lessons' learned" meeting Tuesday or Wednesday.  OUTCH!
Sorry I haven't used ICQ, AIM, MSN, YIM for over 15 years.  Neither should you.  Search my name on FB, YT, TW, & those others.  I've been online since 1992. Most of that time as a Systems & Network Engineer.

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