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Guess How much Rad want to charge me for the plastic stem mount for LCD Screen?

Started by RADmaster, December 06, 2022, 10:37:36 AM

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The plastic Stem mount that holds the middle LCD screen on my RADRover 6 step-thru to the handle bar snapped on one side so I called to find out how to order a replacement. The rep who answered the support phone said they were sorry but they do not sell that plastic piece but would be happy to order me a new LCD screen for $109.

Long pause while I found my mental footing to respond to him, I then said "you've got to be kidding" you want me to buy a new LCD screen to fix the cheap plastic mount that you sold me to begin with. I then asked him if that was the stupidest support response he had ever suggested and he agreed it was.

I have always had mixed feeling about the company and their lack of physical support but now I am on a mission to make sure that everyone who is considering a purchase look for a company with better support.

Oh one other thing they don't even list this LCD screen in their accessories.


See if you can find someone in your local area that can model a replacement and 3D print one for you.  There's lots of helpful people across the country that would probably be able to make that happen.


Quote from: RADmaster on December 06, 2022, 10:37:36 AM
The plastic Stem mount that holds the middle LCD screen on my RADRover 6 step-thru to the handle bar snapped on one side so I called to find out how to order a replacement. The rep who answered the support phone said they were sorry but they do not sell that plastic piece but would be happy to order me a new LCD screen for $109.

Long pause while I found my mental footing to respond to him, I then said "you've got to be kidding" you want me to buy a new LCD screen to fix the cheap plastic mount that you sold me to begin with. I then asked him if that was the stupidest support response he had ever suggested and he agreed it was.

I have always had mixed feeling about the company and their lack of physical support but now I am on a mission to make sure that everyone who is considering a purchase look for a company with better support.

Oh one other thing they don't even list this LCD screen in their accessories.
I agree about lack of support and excessively high prices on parts and accessories.
I have a little over a year old rad Mini 4, constant adjustment of folding points and headset problems.
I recently was looking to buy a ebike for a friend who's had some tough times.  I thought a Mission but they were sold out, I bought my Rad when they were the darlings of you tube. So I hit the videos came across a new bike from lectric.
Met all the needs, under 1000 , single speed a light weight.
I don't know about its longevity but a very impressive bike. Fully assembled  only had to put in handlebars.  So I got her the XP lite with the cargo package. Bike 799 , front and rear rack with panniers under 100.
The build quality was way better than my Mini. Rear rack on in under 5 minutes same for front. No need to bend parts and retap threads like the 2 hour ordeal I had.
So if hers is at least not any worse than mine,  Xp 3 for my next bike.
Only had to contact them once about a delay with accessories
  Emailed early knowing time difference and knew they were not open.  Got a resolution before business hours in about 40 minutes.
Sorry so long bur I have no confidence in Rad anymore.
Anyway if you can't get a mount looks like a GUB phone mount would work , a lot cheaper.


When I have a chance I'll dig out my original display and look at it.  I'll see if I can make up a model that can be 3D Printed.


I don't know how much 3-D printing costs, but I suggest spending the $109 and buy a new display because then you have a backup and you will save time. A custom made 3D printing or even driving somewhere to talk to somebody to get it done may be more expensive - but I confess I don't know anything about 3D printing.

This is not optimal but it is just a square box. Maybe you can use a cell phone holder to hold your display?  It will fit your handlebar right. Even if it does not fit the display right, you can glue it with some adhesive from bathroom caulking, to epoxy, to those stickies used for Go Pro.

Just a suggestion.


Unfortunately, I've heard of these issues all too often with Rad replacement parts. Rad touts that they are "responsible" to the environment and all, but I've heard of repeated examples where they won't offer a simple replacement part for no real reason other than they don't have it but expect the entire item to be scrapped and replaced instead.

Trashing an entire ebike battery because of a $1 "non-replaceable" fuse, anyone?


Quote from: Eric7 on December 07, 2022, 04:44:35 PM
I don't know how much 3-D printing costs, but I suggest spending the $109 and buy a new display because then you have a backup and you will save time. A custom made 3D printing or even driving somewhere to talk to somebody to get it done may be more expensive - but I confess I don't know anything about 3D printing.

This is not optimal but it is just a square box. Maybe you can use a cell phone holder to hold your display?  It will fit your handlebar right. Even if it does not fit the display right, you can glue it with some adhesive from bathroom caulking, to epoxy, to those stickies used for Go Pro.

Just a suggestion.

A very popular depository for 3D printed parts is "thingiverse dot com".   All the models there are posted under the "creative commons" license.  Free for personal use.  Permission must be obtained to use commercially!

Folks have posted a variety of useful and novelty parts for RAD machines there.  search either "radpower" or "rad power" there are different search results.

I found a headlight mounting bracket that works better on my front basket.  It allows mounting the light flush with the basket front.  My time to "setup" the part and print it was probably 20 hours.  Many failed test prints, that's how 3D printing works.  Once I dialed in the part to my printer and type of filament I ended up with a wonderful part.  "filament cost" under 50 cents.

I'm just starting to learn to use the CAD programs, FreeCAD is probably one of the best "cross platform" (Windows, Mac, Linux) programs there is!   IMHO.
Sorry I haven't used ICQ, AIM, MSN, YIM for over 15 years.  Neither should you.  Search my name on FB, YT, TW, & those others.  I've been online since 1992. Most of that time as a Systems & Network Engineer.

Carcosa view

If it was a clean break, there are several glues or adhesives that should work as a repair. just get the one rated for the material you are repairing.

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