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walk mode delay in Radmission controller

Started by handlebar, November 30, 2022, 09:56:35 AM

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I've had chronic problems missing downshifts with my LCD upgrade. I've had no trouble with the Bolton display/button pad on my Radrunner.

On my Radmission two days ago, I noticed that if I held the down button 1/2 second or longer, it would fail to downshift. If I held it 1 second, the motor would start in walk mode. I tried it several times. That's much quicker than my Bolton unit, which requires 3 seconds for walk mode.

Yesterday I tried it again. This time it took approximately two seconds to enter walk mode, and now I had approximately a second, not half a second, to let the button up if I wanted to shift down. I tried it several times with the same results.

How long does yours take to enter walk mode?


First off, thanks for indirectly informing me of a feature a did not know the bike had.  I'm new to ebikes.  I'm one of those people who recently picked up a Radmission for $499 when they were liquidating the model.

I do, however, have a forty year history in building custom road and mountain bikes.  I have a small fleet of "real" bikes ("real" as in all high-end frames and components, not that I'm mocking ebikes).

Back to the subject.  My Radmission does not seem to be consistent, just as you have found.  The amount of seconds (and fractions of seconds) that it takes to both engage (holding down the button) and disengage (time after release of the button) is different each time. 

On a separate subject, the Radmission's high-tensile steel front fork and the cheap chain tensioner are things I am looking for help and advice on upgrading.

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