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chain guard

Started by handlebar, October 26, 2022, 08:05:49 AM

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Has anyone put a chain guard on a Radpower bike?

Wind conditions seemed to determine whether I'd have trouble on my Radrunner. Contacting the chain would leave stains that were hard to remove. I didn't know of a chain guard that would fit. I bought a larger chain ring, covered the teeth with split vinyl tubing, and fastened it outside the drive sprocket as if I had a derailleur. I think I my cuff no longer momentarily caught between the chain and sprocket, but cuffs still got stained.

I bought a pack of elastic velcro straps made for the purpose. It was an added chore each time I went for a ride. If after half a block I noticed my cuff flapping, I'd have to go home to get my strap.

I had to raise my leg higher to mount and dismount my Radmission. That often pulled my cuff out of the strap. I realized that my cuff didn't need to be held against my leg as long as it couldn't reach the chain. I used a plastic kitchen clip to grab some of the fabric on the side away from the chain. The fourth time I mounted, the clip hit the bike and broke.

I ordered a chain guard designed to clamp to most 700mm single-speed bikes. I'm paying about $10, which includes handling my order, packing, and shipping. The unit cost to a bicycle manufacturer must be small, but Radpower doestn't offer them even as accessories. Why n ot? In fact, I don't see why they aren't on multi-gear bikes. A guard would have to be wide back near the cassette, but I think it's not necessary to cover a chain back there.

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