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Any one find a Caboose Accessory compatible for a 2019 RadWagon?

Started by mitchb, September 23, 2022, 09:58:30 AM

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Hi There.  I just purchased a 2019 RadWagon. I am curious about the caboose accessory. The one on their website is not compatible with the 2019. Has anyone found anything out there currently that works? Is it a useful component? I appreciate any thoughts.


Hi Mitch,

I bought MonkeyBars from SuperKnuckle. They work great. One drawback is you can only mount 1 Yepp Maxi seat, rear position. The front mounting plate does not allow for proper installation of a Maxi in the front position.
They are Yuba MonkeyBars with appropriate mounting holes for 2019 Radwagon. So you can save $30 and drill them out yourself.

Check out my write up on fitting the Conestoga to the MonkeyBars,9059.0.html


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