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Commuter Question - Pannier vs larger back basket?

Started by GoBettyRVA, September 09, 2022, 11:05:14 AM

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Yay!  A non-spam question today.  I hope it doesn't get lost.

Have a RadCity 5....Love love love it.  I bike to work when weather permits - about 5 miles, city roads and some hills.  I have a briefcase bag with computer (about 16 x 12 x 5 inches) that rides strapped in a Hoobbii rear basket that is starting to split.  It's not bad for the ride...not too wobbly or anything.  (I find the front rack more dicey for heavy things)  Debating on switching to a Pannier bag to carry my work items (computer and tablet, wallet, etc) or to get that larger rear rack Rad sells or something else.  I like the idea of the Pannier (like Arkel) but worry it will make the bike feel lopsided.  Or that my feet will hit it.  I would love feedback from commuters and what they prefer.  Thanks!


Quote from: GoBettyRVA on September 09, 2022, 11:05:14 AM
Yay!  A non-spam question today.  I hope it doesn't get lost.

Have a RadCity 5....Love love love it.  I bike to work when weather permits - about 5 miles, city roads and some hills.  I have a briefcase bag with computer (about 16 x 12 x 5 inches) that rides strapped in a Hoobbii rear basket that is starting to split.  It's not bad for the ride...not too wobbly or anything.  (I find the front rack more dicey for heavy things)  Debating on switching to a Pannier bag to carry my work items (computer and tablet, wallet, etc) or to get that larger rear rack Rad sells or something else.  I like the idea of the Pannier (like Arkel) but worry it will make the bike feel lopsided.  Or that my feet will hit it.  I would love feedback from commuters and what they prefer.  Thanks!

i used to have a milk crate on my back rack for all my stuff for commutes. and then one day, one of the bungee cords that attached it stretched out a bit too much, and kerplunk.

I switched to Panniers and realized I should have just gone that route all along. I do have them on both sides, but as far as weight distribution, I've never done such a thing, so presumably any lopsidedness is not enough of a difference to matter.

funny thing - when i first was switching, i was worried about hitting the panniers, but those worries are unfounded, and when i really thought about it, people have been using these sorts of bags forever, and if hitting it with your feet was an actual issue, they wouldn't have become so popular.


I use a Rad pannier on the drive side and always fall on the opposite side.  So I don't think the weight effects me.
I did lose the lower bracket and it bounces a bit.  For winter, I'm  thinking about a second one.  ROCKBROTHERS has some nice ones.


Have not used panniers yet on my Radrunner, but commuted for years on a road bike with them.  Typically ran just one, with computer and clothes, and never felt unbalanced.  Suggest mounting on the traffic side to make yourself "bigger" and help keep the cars at bay.


MANY off the shelf (off the truck) pannier bags - especially the double bags...won't fit the Rad carrier platform.  Especially the RR RR+ and RW4 have wide platforms.  I think I've got my solution, but it's going to take a couple metal fabricators to get me where I'd like to be.  I own a RR+.  I hit #280 miles today.
Sorry I haven't used ICQ, AIM, MSN, YIM for over 15 years.  Neither should you.  Search my name on FB, YT, TW, & those others.  I've been online since 1992. Most of that time as a Systems & Network Engineer.


You guys are awesome.  And thank you for the suggestion of putting the single pannier on the car side of the bike to make yourself a little "bigger" to cars.  Great idea. 


I added a small basket on the back (Rad's metal version) and found a pannier fits holding it from the bottom bracket to the top of the basket ....


I prefer panniers. I have the same rear rack on my Rover 5 and my Trek bike. I can switch the panniers from bike to the other in less than a minute. I also have the trunk bag.



I had a RAD Panier on my RADWagon that I sold.  I liked it when I ran to grocery store I hung in it the cart and just loaded it after checking out.

Only once or twice did I notice it in the way.


 One paneer is fine for commuting. Make sure there is room for your battery.

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