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Dead Battery - Rad Wagon 4 - Advice/Tips/Help! :-(

Started by ztglare, August 16, 2022, 08:45:44 PM

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My family and I purchased a Rad Wagon 4 in May 2021 and have been loving the bike ever since. We have ridden almost 700 miles on the bike and it has been an amazing addition to our daily routine. Unfortunately this week after doing a quick 3 mile ride, the battery ceased to function on the return trip. I pedaled it home w/o power and immediately attempted to charge it. When I plugged it into the power charger it showed full charge, but the battery does not power the bike or LCD/display. I have replaced the fuses and used different outlets for the the power supply. When I press the "charge" button on the battery I get 3 green lights (and 1 red) when it's charging via the power source, but nothing when I put it on the bike w/o power source. Unfortunately Rad is telling me since the battery is more than 12 months old it will be  full cost to replace it. $600+ and four weeks of waiting time. Ouch.

I have gone from heavy Rad advocate to huge negative reviewer of the bike because of this experience. Any advice or guidance would be in this helpful. Thank you!



This is a good example of why I sprung for the extra battery. Increases my range and in case one of them dies I still can get going. I guess one way of looking at it is that wagon is such a great bike it's well worth the investment on the extra battery. Don't throw that battery away though because you might have a service mechanic look at it and see if it can be recharged. Sometimes the manual recommends draining the battery all the way and then recharging it. It's called balancing the battery. See page 21 of the Red wagon owners manual. Hope this helps!


Here's a place that does battery repair and might be able to help. Worth contacting them  Hi-C Power, 877-912-0939. Google them for more information


Are you willing to open it up and do some diagnosis?


Unfortunately day 366 is "to bad, so sad, your battery is dead"... "Ding Dong the Witch is dead" is stuck in my head.  LOL

I've found Gareth at biggamebikes dot com offers battery repair, and very reasonable.  contact him...  He's a great guy to work with.

Sorry I haven't used ICQ, AIM, MSN, YIM for over 15 years.  Neither should you.  Search my name on FB, YT, TW, & those others.  I've been online since 1992. Most of that time as a Systems & Network Engineer.

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