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can you somehow raise handlebars on rad rover 6?

Started by, July 17, 2022, 10:24:51 AM

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hello, Rad friends: Is it possible to raise handle bars on rad rover 6?  in any possible way?  thanks


I used a Delta Stem Riser on my Rad Rover ST, the taller one 4.6. Bought it on Amazon, nice riser don't need all the spacers and is easy to adjust.

Hey!  that's cool, thanks for the idea, I purchased the same delta stem riser you used, the 4.6.  I have the Rad Rover 6 ST like you, did you have any trouble with cable lengths extending 3" - 4" higher?  Appreciate the help, this will go a long way to alleviating back/neck pain, bless you.


On my 2021 Rad Rover ST, I raised the bars as high as I could on the 4.6 riser and the cables were just long enough to steer fully in both directions. No problems so far.  Sure is a lot more comfortable sitting straight up. Good luck!

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