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Replacement Keys

Started by Sviba, May 31, 2022, 07:18:38 PM

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I have a Rad Rover Step Thru that I bought in 2020. Unfortunately I lost my keys during a move. Rads key are back ordered and have no idea when they will be getting them in. I bought one of those Rad Universal keys on eBay but it doesn?t turn. Does anyone have an extra F503. Or could point me in the right direction in order to purchase a universal key. Thanks.


This Ilco X84 / HD74 is the key to get if it's not what you bought at first; it's worked on mine and all other shark-battery Rads I've tried, well enough that I just carry the blank now because it's thinner than the factory key:

I have heard it doesn't work on every battery out there, but the odds are good it will work for you.  If not, you may have been part of a production run that used different lock cores.  These are cheap enough to try if you're stuck, I think.

If you decide to give it a try, please come back and update this thread to let us know if it worked or not - building the knowledge database.
Shucks Ma'am, I'm no "Hero Member", I just like to wear this cape.


Thanks for responding. I have bought four of those keys that you mentioned. None of them worked. No locksmith wants to mess with it. So frustrating. I understand the supply chain but Rad can order a box of keys and ship them via FedEx to the US. Customer is so bad now. You?re lucky if they get back to you.


Quote from: Sviba on June 03, 2022, 05:13:43 PM
Thanks for responding. I have bought four of those keys that you mentioned. None of them worked. No locksmith wants to mess with it. So frustrating. I understand the supply chain but Rad can order a box of keys and ship them via FedEx to the US. Customer is so bad now. You?re lucky if they get back to you.
Hi, just to clarify:
1. You have a 2020 RadCity 3 and not a 2021 Radcity 5?
2. I understand that you bought some blanks, but does the key blank say, "HD74" on it? (pic for reference)


Quote from: Sviba on June 03, 2022, 05:13:43 PM
Thanks for responding. I have bought four of those keys that you mentioned. None of them worked. No locksmith wants to mess with it. So frustrating. I understand the supply chain but Rad can order a box of keys and ship them via FedEx to the US. Customer is so bad now. You?re lucky if they get back to you.

I guess it's possible that Rad had a batch of locks that wasn't "universal", but my 2021 MiniST2 sure is.  Here's something you might try: make absolutely sure you know which key cut you have - you said F503, but my Mini's key says just F05, so maybe Rad customer support can verify the keycode from their owner/serial number database.  Maybe some are two numbers and others three or more.

Once you know which key code you need, instead of asking for a spare key from another owner, put out a call for help here on the forum with the keycode in the Subject line so it's obvious to hook up with somebody who has the same key.  Hopefully you'll find somebody, then mail him/her a couple of blanks and a stamped return envelope to take down to their local keycutter to knock out some copies for you, along with a couple bucks for the cost and hassle.

As a last resort, if Rad can't come through with a replacement key, this is what I'd try next.  If you find the right person, I bet this would be faster and overall cheaper than waiting for Rad to come through.
Shucks Ma'am, I'm no "Hero Member", I just like to wear this cape.


Thanks for the responses. The bike I have is a 2020 Rad Rover Step Through. The key code is F503. That is a very good idea to reach out to someone with the same key code and ask for help.

Mr. Light

Will the Ilco blank work for a newer RadRunner? We bought two in December 2021 and have been traveling with them on our RV. We lost the keys for one of them (key code F28), tried using the key from the other one (key code F05) and it worked to click the bike ?off? but now it won?t turn back on or even release the battery. I was hoping these were universal from what I?ve been reading but it doesn?t seem so.

I?m guess I can have a replacement key sent home but it would be a lot more convenient to walk into a hardware store and order a buy a working blank so we can use the bike the rest of the trip.

If the key from the other bike doesn?t work does that mean a blank also would not work?

Thanks in advance


Quote from: Mr. Light on July 11, 2022, 11:32:26 PM
Will the Ilco blank work for a newer RadRunner? We bought two in December 2021 and have been traveling with them on our RV. We lost the keys for one of them (key code F28), tried using the key from the other one (key code F05) and it worked to click the bike ?off? but now it won?t turn back on or even release the battery. I was hoping these were universal from what I?ve been reading but it doesn?t seem so.

I?m guess I can have a replacement key sent home but it would be a lot more convenient to walk into a hardware store and order a buy a working blank so we can use the bike the rest of the trip.

If the key from the other bike doesn?t work does that mean a blank also would not work?

Thanks in advance

See if you can Prime-deliver a blank from Amazon (here's a 10-pack if you can't find other options: if you can't find one in a local shop, assuming you have an address on the road they can ship to.  eBay has them all the time too, but I'm assuming you want fast delivery, which many vendors there don't offer, but it's an alternative for you.  What you want to look for is "Ilco HD74 / X84" Honda motorcycle key or other mfgr. equivalent.

From your key experiment, it seems pretty likely a blank will work, but in the meantime since it turned the switch off, try "raking" that same key in and out slowly within the lock's keyway along the pins, while keeping torque (turning) pressure lightly applied to the key.  Don't apply too much torque, just a light touch to prevent the pins from jamming in place while you're raking and twisting.  If it allowed the lock to turn once in one direction, it should work again and in the other direction - these are not sophisticated locks.  If it works, congratulations; that's your first lesson in lockpicking.  You can rake the lock much faster and open it quicker, but that usually takes having a feel for how much torque to apply, which comes quickly with practice.  One of the more-useful skills I picked up in college.   8)

Good luck!

Shucks Ma'am, I'm no "Hero Member", I just like to wear this cape.

Mr. Light

Thank you so much for your response. The local hardware store here had the HD74, much to my happiness and surprise. Even more excellent is the fact that the blank key does indeed work on the newer Radrunner 2.

I'm going to get another blank just to have. It'll be nice to carry just one key around and not have to worry about losing the originals . I will also be a bit more proactive about making sure these don't get stolen, now knowing how easy it is to unlock.



Quote from: Mr. Light on July 12, 2022, 03:33:59 PM
Thank you so much for your response. The local hardware store here had the HD74, much to my happiness and surprise. Even more excellent is the fact that the blank key does indeed work on the newer Radrunner 2.

I'm going to get another blank just to have. It'll be nice to carry just one key around and not have to worry about losing the originals . I will also be a bit more proactive about making sure these don't get stolen, now knowing how easy it is to unlock.


Very happy to hear you found the blank and it worked for you - bet that's a big relief.  As for battery theft, I carry only the blank too and use it to illustrate the problem to any other Rad rider I run across with this style battery.  Here's my solution to the theft problem, which works on the MiniST2 frame:
Shucks Ma'am, I'm no "Hero Member", I just like to wear this cape.

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