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Front axle jammed with plastic out of the box

Started by Arl61, May 14, 2022, 10:11:29 AM

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So I just received 2 e bikes and was wondering if anyone else encountered this issue when assembling their ebike. The front axle has something jammed in one side which RPB service says is plastic.
I was told to pound it out from the other side with the quick release skewer but didn't want to damage the threads. The other possible solution was to drive a screw into it and try and pull it out with pliers.
Before attempting this I was wondering if anyone else encountered this problem and if so how you solved it.
Seems like there is at least 2 inches of plastic jammed in there.

Radio Runner

Looks like the plastic wheel/hub guard broke off. They plug into the axle hole for transport. If its plastic the QR threads will be fine pushing it out.


Thanks Radio Runner, you were correct. It  didn't pound out but I was able to use a small drill bit and drill into it and then I was able to push it out.

Radio Runner

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