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Shorter riders and radcity 5 plus high step

Started by JesseGabriel, April 20, 2022, 01:55:30 PM

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Hey there,
I'm 5'6" with a 29-30" inseam.
I'm considering buying a radcity high step, as there are no step throughs left and I do like the look of the high step. I know I meet the height requirement and JUST meet the min suggested inseam but Im just wondering how it will feel for someone my height. Will I need to have the seat on the lowest setting? And if so will the handlebars feel really high etc? Any advice from shorter riders around my height would be appreciated!


Quote from: JesseGabriel on April 20, 2022, 01:55:30 PM
Hey there,
I'm 5'6" with a 29-30" inseam.
I'm considering buying a radcity high step, as there are no step throughs left and I do like the look of the high step. I know I meet the height requirement and JUST meet the min suggested inseam but Im just wondering how it will feel for someone my height. Will I need to have the seat on the lowest setting? And if so will the handlebars feel really high etc? Any advice from shorter riders around my height would be appreciated!
Perhaps consider getting another Rad model.  I have the RadCity 5 high step and being 70" with about a 32" inseam it can be a challenge.  I've fell down trying to get on it a few times.  Now I have it down pat but it's still not so easy.  I couldn't imagine being shorter trying this.  I think it's due to the weight of an e-bike vs a regular bike.  If you're not new to e-bikes and have no issues then perhaps ignore what I'm saying. 

Don't buy something that isn't suited for you because you want it NOW.  I mean if it's an emergency and you need this thing to get you to work then maybe but really consider other models.


You should wait or buy another bike.  Don't buy a bike that does not fit you.  I have the same issues as you.

If the bike fits your inseam, it will look like the handle bar is high.  If the bike does not fit your inseam, it will look like you borrowed some tall person's bike and now you are all stretched out trying to control it.

Ignore the following if you have experience with ebikes:  As Slowrider said, these ebikes (Rad or otherwise) are huge and heavy and are big all around. Everything is beefier. The weight makes a bike that fits feels even bigger.  I actually would suggest people buy a bike smaller than they usually get considering the weight and bulk.  The rims are wide, meaning the tires are also tall.  For the same size rim, the wheels are at least one inch taller from the axle - meaning two inches taller total.


I got the RC5 HS and a 30" inseam and clear the bar, barely. 29" is a gamble. Test ride.


I am 5' 6" with 27 inseam. I have radcity 5 plus high step. While riding the bike I am fine. I don't need to set the seat to lowest.

BUT, when I come to a complete stop, I have to get off the seat in order for my feet to touch the ground.  Not a problem for me, as I used to the same with my old bike (short legs, what can you do). I love the high step as it feels more stable and I have easier time locking the frame to bike racks....  I specifically chose high step as opposed to step through, and have no regrets.

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