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Started by dml49, February 11, 2022, 08:56:29 AM

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Any other RAD bike owners in Tucson?  Want to meet at The Loop (or anywhere) to compare notes?  I own a RADRover 6 Plus and my wife owns a RAD Mini Step-Thru 2.


We're on the NW side. Riding in Tucson is disappointing since E-Bikes are prohibited from being used on the Loop or most bike paths. 


I've been riding on The Loop practically every day since my bike arrived in January.  I called a couple of local bike shops first and was told that as long as the bike is Class-2, it is OK to ride the loop.  One of the people I spoke to made it clear that it is not a good idea to only use the throttle on The Loop, which makes sense to me.  I rarely use anything past PAS 2 anyway - I want to get the exercise.  I see a lot of e-bikes on The Loop.  Many are RADs.  I met a Canadian couple two weeks ago on The Loop who were visiting Tucson and had their RADs with them. I'm on the east side and fortunately I have fairly quick and easy access to The Loop so I'm there as often as possible.

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