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Rad Plus Models speed unlock

Started by Ryan, September 22, 2021, 08:49:37 PM

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I was watching the Electrek review of the RadCity 5 Plus and there was mention that the speed unlock is still on the new Plus models. It seems like it hasn't been found yet from my research but I'll post any updates here.  8)


EDIT: The video has been removed


This great news.....Thanks Ryan! I am currently trying to find out info if the Bolton 35amp controller is compatible with the 6plus I started a thread on it this morning.



Shucks Ma'am, I'm no "Hero Member", I just like to wear this cape.


Quote from: 100%Cal on September 23, 2021, 11:30:33 AM
This great news.....Thanks Ryan! I am currently trying to find out info if the Bolton 35amp controller is compatible with the 6plus I started a thread on it this morning.


The only downside is that the controller would then have to be mounted externally. I guess if it were me I'd probably just go with the RadRover 5 and upgrade as desired if you're going to start replacing parts anyway.


Quote from: Ryan on September 23, 2021, 05:48:45 PM

The only downside is that the controller would then have to be mounted externally. I guess if it were me I'd probably just go with the RadRover 5 and upgrade as desired if you're going to start replacing parts anyway.

Since you came through with the speed hack I may be satisfied for now with the 6 plus! I had seen the video you referred to and was disappointed until you came through this morning.....This is my first E bike and if I had done a little more research I probably would've have bought the 5. I will see how I like this now that my friend can't outrun me on his Aventon 😎


I realize I may be headed down a rabbit hole on this but does changing the wheel/tire size make a difference in top speed? I keep reading conflicting results.


Quote from: SanDiegoDoug on September 23, 2021, 09:40:59 PM
I realize I may be headed down a rabbit hole on this but does changing the wheel/tire size make a difference in top speed? I keep reading conflicting results.

I've tested setting a smaller tire size to fool the speed limiter. Yes, it will work around the motor cutoff. However there is only so much speed you can gain out of the stock controller and motor.


Quote from: DCH3416 on September 23, 2021, 09:56:52 PM
Quote from: SanDiegoDoug on September 23, 2021, 09:40:59 PM
I realize I may be headed down a rabbit hole on this but does changing the wheel/tire size make a difference in top speed? I keep reading conflicting results.

I've tested setting a smaller tire size to fool the speed limiter. Yes, it will work around the motor cutoff. However there is only so much speed you can gain out of the stock controller and motor.

Makes sense. Thanks!


Yesterday evening was my first opportunity to take a test ride after using Ryan's speed hack! It really woke up my Radrover 6 plus. I got the extra speed I was looking for and in my estimation it climbs a lot better. I think I'm going to have to start wearing a helmet!  8) Thanks Ryan!


Yeaaaa. I've been looking everywhere for the 6plus speed hack. You found it.
Thank you sooo much.


I got my bike together today and did you hack. I can only bet 22 mph even in PA 5 in high gear on a flat street with tires pump up to 25#.
   I also made sure it was 750 watts.


After doing the speed hack, my speedometer seems to max out at 22 mph however GPS on my phone indicated a top speed of over 26 mph on yesterdays ride on flat smooth roads.


This is good news Ryan, thanks for doing the work.  I'm waiting on my 2 RR 6 plus bikes here in Canada. I think we are limited to a 500 watt motor here in this country, but I'm hoping thats just on paper and that we too can get ours to increase in top speed.


I wonder if the speed increases 20% (from 20 to 25mph) does your range or battery life drop proportionally too?

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