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Started by Islandcruiser, September 07, 2021, 11:02:28 AM

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4 months and 1500km later




Yes, I have to agree. Very nice!


The pannier bags are collapsible? They look cool! Would you mind sharing more information about those?


Quote from: rabi on January 24, 2022, 02:36:52 AM
The pannier bags are collapsible? They look cool! Would you mind sharing more information about those?

Yes, they are collapsible. Bushwhacker USA is the brand, bought them on Amazon. Keep in mind that they are fairly light duty. And I had to rig my own means of mounting them where I wanted them. Needed a 3/8ths aluminum rod each, zap straps, and nylon straps with snap buttons to beef up the carry weigh capacity. To get them secure and placed just right. But it was worth it.

I bought a cooler to fit in the upper large basket. Very versatile addition.

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