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front wheel bearing tip

Started by JimL, August 21, 2021, 06:12:55 PM

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Just a short note about the front wheel bearings.  I have found that the 6mm bearings used in old Honda motorcycle steering stems are very high quality and perfect fit in our front wheels.  You would probably find the same bearings in other Japan brand motorcycles.

I caught my bearing issues before the races or cones were damaged.  The problem sounds like loose spokes, when you first notice it.  Don't wait....fix it right away.

Easy fix.


Thanks for the tip.  I was hearing loose spoke-like noises coming from my year old Mini's front wheel, and couldn't get rid of the noise by tightening spokes.  Took the front wheel assembly into the Rad repair shop and they replaced it under warranty with another wheel (and transferred my original tire to it).  The noises are now gone...

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