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Bolton Controller Question

Started by DGAnthony, July 30, 2021, 04:57:23 AM

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Hi All,                                                                                                          7-30-21

Can anyone explain the advantage of a Bolton controller over the OEM unit?

Be well, stay well.

DGAnthony  (the newest of newbies)


Quote from: DGAnthony on July 30, 2021, 04:57:23 AM
Hi All,                                                                                                          7-30-21

Can anyone explain the advantage of a Bolton controller over the OEM unit?

Be well, stay well.

DGAnthony  (the newest of newbies)

just some advantages of the bolton vs stock controller -

digital display

more torque

highly adjustable performance

ability to slightly exceed 20mph oem speed limit

cruise control

...and etc.


Everyone likes to talk about the factory speed limit and somehow finagling things past that point via either the Display/Controller mod, or the Eggrider V2.  My personal experience has been that the Eggrider V2 doesn't pull as many amps/watts as the 35a controller (I have the Electro Bike World version), but neither solution does much to change top speed on my Original Rad Runner.  High cruise speed still seems to be 20-20.5 on my bike with either system and almost regardless of the wheel diameter I try to designate the bike in a bid to confuse the speed sensor.  The EBW controller HAS improved my throttle response and torque by a noticeable amount though, and
IMO is worth it even without being able to unlock Plaid Speed.  Interestingly, and this may still come down to subtle differences in motor or gearing, but the WIfe's RR Plus seems to be able to cruise at almost 23 at the top of it's charge, with the Eggrider V2.  The Plus just likes it better, perhaps?  Or did my wheel circ mod actually work on that one?  Not positive tbh, and still experimenting. 

Still- I'd love to know what I"m doing wrong with my programming vis a vis the 35a controller because sure I'd take an extra 3-5mph as well, if they are just lying around in there.

Finally, I did a walk around video of one of our Rads and discussed the EBW controller and how similar (identical) it is to the Bolton/Big Game Bikes offerings, as it seems nobody has recorded much on YT yet about the Electro Bike World kits. If anyone is still reading you can find that video here:

TLDR; Modding these bikes is fun, and everyone should try it!


Thanks Wkin and Comm,                                                                                                             7-30-21

What you mentioned is just the kind of real world experience reporting I am looking for..not an advertising video or theoretical claims, etc.  I'm looking to increase top speed and torque on my RadWagon4.  I'll keep poking around.  Thanks for the input.

Be well, stay well,


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