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hydrolic brake pads specifications

Started by bananamax, July 20, 2024, 03:00:02 AM

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I own a Rad City 5 plus step thru for 1 year.
I has now 1500km; using it in urban roads with a lot of up and downhills (I live in Marseille, south of France:nice hilly area!).
I had a battery problem after 4 months of use. I was fixed by a repair store and I asked them to check the rear brake system because it began to be very loose: the bled it and it was fixed.
Now the brakes  are bigining to be loose in a different way: they brake but very softly or after a couple of times.
So I am looking forward to change the hydrolic brake pads, and them check if it needs to be bled.
But I am not used to hydrolic brakes.
I am not sure if there is a particular reference of brake pads?

Thank you for your help!


If your levelers when applied are close to the handles, you may need adjusting or replacing or just bleeding.  I just replaced my pads but I had plenty of pad left.  But once I replaced them they were good as new.  So I kept the old for another repair. 

I don't know which pads the City 5 has but my 2 bikes use the same Tektro p20:11 stock or e10:11. In the US you can get 2 sets of the p20:11 for $20 US delivered off ebay.

If you take them one set out you will know what you have.

FYI most of your stopping power comes from the front brake and they typically wear faster. 



Any Radcity5 owner who knows what type of brake pads are on this bike?


On store it said NUTT, YK-34, Semi-Metallic.
Literally is LITERALLY the most annoying word of the decade.

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