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Rad Rover 5 rear wheel motor issue

Started by ChrisG, July 12, 2024, 12:48:23 PM

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My motor has over time developed a rumbling noise that also vibrates up through the seat post. Has anyone tried to take these apart to repair them? or am I faced with sourcing a complete new wheel from Rad? Bike has 6,000Kms on OD.


Someone has opened one up and said the magnets were loose and needed regluing.  It is a recent post but not on a Rover 5.  The repair was a "Rad runner hub rebuild".  It was originally listed July 7th.  Hope this helps. 
Too bad with low mileage you are experiencing the problem. 
Those motors are good for at lease 16k km or 10k miles.


I'm going to try taking it apart but won't get to it for another week or so. It feels like a bad drive gears set maybe.


They call them planetary gears.  They can be purchased online.


I took it apart today after viewing a YouTube video I found online. There are 3 planetary nylon gears inside the the motor drives inside a metal gear ring in the hub. Everything looked fine except very dry of grease. I regreased them and reassembled. Just took a ride and although not totally resolving the rumble definitely improved to acceptable. If anyone else needs info I did find the nylon gear assembly on Amazon at very reasonable prices.


congrats.  glad it is just the gears and glad you are satisfied with more grease.

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