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Giving up a car, how many ?

Started by Muskie1, February 07, 2024, 10:51:28 AM

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Who uses as primary transportation. ?


I wouldn't give up my vehicles.  I did ebike commute for over 2 years all years at around +70 miles per week.  I would take occasional detours to ride the dirt trails near the Rio Grande river before going home.  I only drove to work if I had Dr./Dentist appointments, bad weather (snow, ice, rain, lightning), or feeling under the weather a bit.  I stopped ebike commuting because of the lockdown and working from home.  Back to work now, but, haven't ebiked commute since.
2023 Himiway Cobra Pro, two 2018/2023 Radcity Step-Thru, & two 2016 Radrovers


I usually rent a car otherwise I use public transportation to get to anywhere. I have rented a car from a Dubai car rental company. They have a good deal of renting cars and also it is affordable and they deliver the car on time where ever you ask them. I love to use their services.


Ebiking was so much nicer than driving that I didn't bother to drive my car. A fellow came by and asked, and I sold it.


We can't afford a different car (automatic instead of a standard) and I can't drive a standard since my motorcycle accident. So I have to use my bike when my partner can't drive me to necessary appointments, shopping etc. While we don't have our ebikes replacing our car, I use mine whenever I need to.
Does that count?


PS: Winter riding really SUCKS!!!


Quote from: Ddaybc on February 07, 2024, 07:24:45 PM

PS: Winter riding really SUCKS!!!

Cashmere scarf, $10. What a difference! Of course, I cut the end of the left thumb off my ski mittens to press controller buttons, but I can always soak my thumb in a hot cup of coffee when I get home.  8)

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