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Replacement wire harness, controller for 2018 Mini

Started by MattandJulie, February 04, 2024, 05:31:52 PM

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Having quite a bit of trouble finding the wire harness and controller for my Mini. Error 30. Hooked wifes display to bike, same issue after 8 seconds, so it?s gotta by harness and/or controller.
Can someone point me in the direction?
Thanks in advance.


Try Area13 out of California.  They have had the controllers in the past.  They will respond to email if you need to, but it might take a day or 2 for them to get back. 


electrobikeworld also has controllers. I've been satisfied with controllers from both sources, but as you say, what if it's the wiring? I wish I knew where to get schematics to check out wiring with a meter.


Thanks for helping. So far, all the controllers are too large to fit into the existing compartment of the bike. Don?t really want to zip tie it to the frame and then not be able to ride in the rain or wet roads or need wiring extensions. They also seem to require a new display. I can do that but only if I must. The old controller is is 4 3/8 X 1 3/4 X 1 7/8?.


the newer screen is a plus that you will like better. has more settings and easier to read.
I'm sure you can find a good place to mount a new controller. Zip ties are stronger than you might think and they look okay if they are the same color.


Im finding out no replacement controllers will fit inside the housing, I did order a replacement wire harness from Zipee. Will see if that does it before I have to oreder the controller display combo.
Are they waterproof. Anyone know?


I ordered the 25 amp controller from electrobikeword  because it's 40 x 65 x 120mm, to fit where the OEM controller went on my Radmission. If I converted your fractions correctly, it will fit your bike. It puts 700 watts on the wheel. In my experience, a Rad 750 watt controller puts only 500 watts on the wheel.

The old one used metal clamps on the seat tube. The clamps wouldn't fit the new one, so I used zip ties rated at 120 pounds and -40 F, I think. First, I coated the matching surface of the tube with RTV so the controller wouldn't slide on the enamel. Lately I bought a gadget that pulls zip ties tighter than I could get them with pliers and a screwdriver.

Moisture hasn't been a problem, as it was with the OEM controller. Moisture was a problem with the aftermarket controller I put on my Radrunner. First aid was a hair dryer. RTV fixed it for good.


On my Rover 5 the screen is waterproof
the controller isn't but haven't noticed an issue other than a rusty screw on the controller housing.

I have put over 5000 miles on the controller without issues. 


I was worried about water getting into my controller. My concern was around riding it in the rain and while carrying it on the back of my car traveling with it. I coated it with this for an extra level of sealing. Seems to work well..


I ordered and received the 25amp Rad controller/display upgrade from Electro Bike World. Had to order a wire harness elsewhere. Once I received the controller, noticed the new battery plug on the controller did not match my ?older? Mini battery connector. They did have an adapter to cut the stock to battery plug and I soldered the new one right at the battery tray connection. No issues if you keep the new connection tight so it will still fit in the space behind that connection plug.
Anyway, did a quick test and it came back to life. Adjusted a couple settings in the controller to get US numbers.
My only issue now is the headlight will not come on. Not sure if there is a setting in the controller.
Anyone know? My next task is to fit it all back inside the compartment. The motor plug is a biatch to put through that hole.
I hear it?s tight but doable.


do you have the original light that came with RAD bike?  some aftermarket lights can burn out the new controllers.


I don't remember how to turn the headlight on with an OEM Rad controller. With my 25 amp controller, I hold the UP button 4 seconds. An indicator appears on the display, and the headlight comes on.


Ok. I got it. There is a setting in the display for how bright the tail light is. 0 - 5. I don?t have a wire fed tail light on my Mini. The setting was set to 0 so I changed it to 5 and now it works. I also now have cruise control and the ability to change so many aspects on the bike I never had before. Just need to keep in mind most setting will likely affect battery life so keeping that in mind, reducing available speed, speed at start up et al?
It was a tight fit stuffing all that back into that compartment, and threading the motor plug through the hole was just so bad, I drilled a new hole on the side of the compartment and made a world of difference. I smoother out the hole and wrapped thick Gorilla Tape around the edges to prevent scraping the cable. All in all, a worthy upgrade of an otherwise obsolete Rad Mini.

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