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RadWagon UE : motor down ?

Started by v4ssily, October 07, 2023, 07:44:02 AM

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I'm new here and I'm struggeling to get answers from RAD support so I might have more luck with you guys.

I'm from France and I've a probleme with my radwagon 4 motor that stopped working a few weeks ago.
First I had to shut power down and put it back to make the motor work again.
Then it's stop working definitly.
I read here that it could be because of the brake sensor but no luck with this lead.
Then a few days later a got ERROR 30 Maintain on the screen.

I reached RAD at the time who sent me a new electric cable harness and a new controller for 200?,
The ERROR 30 disappeared, but the motor is still out of order.

When I pay attention, I can here some noise coming from the motor when turning the throttle, but the wheel wont turn or at best just moves a little.
So my guess is that I need to replace the motor.

I've watched this video :
and it's seems pretty easy to DIY. Except for one thing : Where can I buy a new motor ???

I found some parts here :
but I read that this European version of the bike has a 250W motor and a associated controller. So I guess I can not put a 750W motor inside this 250W hub and more over I guess that my controller will not be able to make this 750W motor to turn correctly.

Does anyone have any solution/idea to help me make my rad wagon 4 work again  :'(

This bike has become vital for our family and we are desperatly looking foward to ride it again.

Thanks a lot for any help you can provide


You can replace your old 250 watt euro motor with the 750 motor as in the video. You will need a freewheel removal tool. I have done this swap, it?s a very straight forward job but you will need that removal tool. You can get a new motor from Gareth at Big Game Bikes in the U.K.   I?m not sure if your original controller will work the 750 motor as I changed mine to the 35 amp upgrade controller.  But Gareth will know if you ask him. 


Thanks Tony, I'll try to reach Biggamebike to have their opinion.


Quote from: v4ssily on October 07, 2023, 07:44:02 AM

When I pay attention, I can here some noise coming from the motor when turning the throttle, but the wheel wont turn or at best just moves a little.
So my guess is that I need to replace the motor.

If the motor turns and the wheel doesn't, that sounds like the clutch, a freewheel assembly in the motor that lets you pedal or coast without turning the motor. The assembly includes the gears and costs about $25 at Amazon. There's probably a youtube video for your particular motor.

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