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Communicating with another rider

Started by Sommermann, September 05, 2023, 11:55:31 AM

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I hope it's okay to ask this here. I am wondering if there is a way a first rider could communicate directions or what is ahead to a second rider behind and do it hands free. My first thought was if both riders were using earbuds they could communicate through a phone call. Then I wondered if there is a multi platform iOS/Android walkie talkie app available. I found some but they seem like they all work like an actual walkie talkie where you have to push a button to talk and let up on it to listen which defeats the hands free requirement. The whole idea is to be able to communicate without having to take hands of the handle bars.

Has anyone else thought of an idea of communicating with another rider(s)?


The concept is not new. Motorcyclist has been using it for years. Search ?Motorcycle Bluetooth Headsets? in your browser.
Literally is LITERALLY the most annoying word of the decade.


  We have Sena bicycle helmets with built in hidden speakers and voice actuated microphones that work most excellently.  Amazon is your friend.


My Sena helmet has built-in speakers, mic and Bluetooth to enable an intercom mesh network with other riders.  I use it to listen to my podcasts and an occasional incoming phone call.  The tiny speakers are tinny, so probably not great for music, but the setup works well for me and tinniness makes it easier to listen to voice podcasts, so I'm pretty happy with it.

This arrangement also keeps your ears open to the world and its dangers, unlike earbuds that can shut you out from hearing that bus coming up behind you.
Shucks Ma'am, I'm no "Hero Member", I just like to wear this cape.


I agree with what the others have said. The Sena helmets work great. I've been using them for the intercom, Audible books, and answering phone calls for a couple of years.


Thanks everyone for the replies. And thanks for the Sena helmet recommendations. A much better option than what I was thinking of.  :)

Water Doc

I purchased a pair of brackets that allowed us to use the walkie talkies that we already had,  Brackets were on Amazon and sold for both hikes and motorcycles,
RadMini4 and RR+


Wifey & I have the Sena helmets & they work great.   If you're riding alone you can listen to music or take calls, if you're riding with someone else it goes into intercom mode.  They're about $160 each.


Our Sena helmets arrived on Monday and we were able to try them out yesterday. Just what I was looking for and better. They work so good and are comfortable. It took a little trial and error to figure out how to set up and use them following the directions but all is good. Thanks for the recommendation.  :)


Quote from: Sommermann on September 27, 2023, 09:26:20 AM
Our Sena helmets arrived on Monday and we were able to try them out yesterday. Just what I was looking for and better. They work so good and are comfortable.

Glad to hear it was the right solution for you.  I don't use mine for intercom, but love it for podcasts and the occasional phone call.
Shucks Ma'am, I'm no "Hero Member", I just like to wear this cape.


Quote from: Sommermann on September 27, 2023, 09:26:20 AM
Our Sena helmets arrived on Monday and we were able to try them out yesterday. Just what I was looking for and better. They work so good and are comfortable. It took a little trial and error to figure out how to set up and use them following the directions but all is good. Thanks for the recommendation.  :)
Get the Sena app and it is easier to use the features on the helmets.


Quote from: JimInPT on September 27, 2023, 02:18:04 PM
I don't use mine for intercom, but love it for podcasts and the occasional phone call.
I use an app called Libby and listen to audiobooks. As long as you have a library card you can download audiobooks. Check your local library if they use Libby or Overdrive.
Literally is LITERALLY the most annoying word of the decade.

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