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Anyone have a US Rad Rover 6 Plus controller for sale?

Started by justsomedork, September 02, 2023, 04:45:04 PM

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I'm Canadian and I say fooey to the downgraded controller we get and I want more torque.

I would pay msrp and shipping even if it's used.


Hey There,
I'm new to this, but is the controller and display shipped to CA different than the US? Can't you just go into the "secret" submenus and adjust max speed and then the next "secret" menu to adjust the Max Watts?

I just checked mine (in the US) and it's set to 32 kph (but could be adjusted to 40kph) and 750W max (options are 250W, 500W, 750W).

Let me know if I'm misunderstanding something.


There has to be a way to hack the controller. Maybe going through the USB port with a computer. Just don't see them changing hardware for differences in geographics.

Sent from my TB310FU using Tapatalk


Yeah, this version of the controller no longer has a USB port, so I would imagine you'd have to have some kind of a dongle to hook up straight to the controller and know exactly how to manipulate the firmware from there. If anyone has figured that out, LMK.
Otherwise, for the simple speed unlock and the Max Watt unlock, it's using the steps outlined on many different webpages:

  • Power on the bike.
  • After the initial start up sequence, hold down the "Down" PAS button and the "Headlight" button until you get the "P" on the left screen and the hours flashing on center screen.

  • Once you get to that menu, you will need to hold down both PAS "Up" and "Down" and the Headlight buttons at the same time for about 10 seconds.
  • Now the "Secret" menu pops up and displays "tOP SPEEd" and in the US it defaults to 32. This can be toggled up to 40 (this is in Kph)
  • I am unclear if you have to save any changes before moving to the next "secret" menu. But turning off the controller will save the setting.
  • Next, if you turned off the controller do the same previous steps to get back to this screen then simply press the "Headlight" button (no need to hold it down) and it toggles to the MAX WATT screen. There you should have the options for 250, 500, 750.
  • To save, just turn off the controller and you should be good to go after that.

I did not discover this on my own. I found it by googling a bunch and reading through articles, forums, and watching videos.
Also, I have no idea if this will void your warranty or violate any local laws/regulations for your area. You do you when it comes to modifying your stuff.

That said, does anyone know if this does void the warranty? I haven't changed my settings, but I'm curious.
One more thing, I haven't found the setting to change the wheel size. If anyone knows that, I'd be grateful for the info.


Quote from: bjander on September 07, 2023, 07:39:06 AM

  • I am unclear if you have to save any changes before moving to the next "secret" menu. But turning off the controller will save the setting.

Also, I have no idea if this will void your warranty or violate any local laws/regulations for your area. You do you when it comes to modifying your stuff.

That said, does anyone know if this does void the warranty? I haven't changed my settings, but I'm curious.
One more thing, I haven't found the setting to change the wheel size. If anyone knows that, I'd be grateful for the info.

I unlocked an earlier version within days of receiving it and I had no issues.  I had to have more power and speed.  Then I upgraded the controller for more.  Then again upgraded the motor.  Once you get started with upgrades it is hard to stop.  YOU WANT MORE Out your bike.  I don't blame you.

On the earlier version the wheel setting is like the 2nd or 3rd choice.   

You can make multiple changes to the controller without rebooting it. 

As far as warranty for changing settings in the controller, those are set to keep the bike rated to 20mph for legal purposes.  Sure if you make hardware changes it would void the warranty but no one would know if you swapped back to original parts.  There again it is more likely RAD just sends you replacement parts for you to install or have a tech install.  Very unlikely RAD would see the bike again.

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