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No throttle or PAS, brake light always on

Started by Puna Joe, July 28, 2023, 01:34:50 PM

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Puna Joe

Hi, I have a Rad Rover 6 Plus step through. I was getting an error 30 and troubleshot it to a bad controller with rad power bikes, when they used to answer the phone.
I got another controller and now the error 30 is gone, but the brake light is always on and I have no throttle or PAS. I have reseated every cable, unplugged both brake lever electric cables. Unplugged both headlight and tail light connectors. I still have the same problem. My thought is that the bike thinks that the brakes are being applied thus stopping all motor function. Is there a way to disconnect the motor shut off for troubleshooting purposes?
I sure hope I don't have another bad controller. Cannot get a hold of Rad at all.
Thanks for any help.


It looks like another bad controller. It's hard to imagine a short in the wiring between the connectors and the controller.

I've taken a dim view of Rad Power since I tested the bike I ordered in 2020. It produced 53 newton meters of torque, not the 80 they advertised. It put 500 watts on the wheel, not 750. I analyzed their video, which had sold me. That Radrunner motor was putting at least 2,000 watts on the wheel, 4 times more than the one they sent me.

Somehow I bought a second Radpower bike. I bought aftermarket controllers for both. It was money well spent.

Carcosa view

A bike shop near me had to get a 3rd controller for a customer. original was bad, 1st replacement was bad. a rep at rad told me they had a batch that
had a lot of defective units. bike shop said they are a pain to replace all tucked in the down tube.


Area 13 just emailed to state they a limited number of RR6 controllers available for sale.

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