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52 v battery upgrade with Rad display/controller

Started by Thebenpink, July 01, 2023, 02:24:40 PM

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Hi all?

I have a rad city 3 that I?m running with an aftermarket 52v battery and original RAD controller and display which I?ve read  should be ok.

The bike runs fine, but the display is set up for 48v battery, so it dies abruptly and completely at 2-3 bars, since the BMS is set up for 48V, which can drop significantly lower than 52v without damaging them.

Does anyone know what voltage  each battery bar represents, so I can better guess where my battery Level is at?



I have 5500 miles on my RR5 bike with the original battery.  I have lots of hills and I use the throttle often.  I get the most of the mileage out of the first bar - about 10 to 12 miles.  The second bar doesn't last long maybe 4 to 5 miles.  If it gets to the 3 bar, I know I will not have enough power to get home.  So my trips are limited to less than 17 miles.

Also note that I upgraded my controller to a 35 amp and motor to a true 750 watt.  So that extra power drains me faster but I would hate my bike if I left it at original puny setup. 

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