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Drinks Holder

Started by Bowatro, June 11, 2023, 12:08:54 PM

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Are there any drinks holders available for the RadRhino 6 plus?


I assume the bolt pattern at the front, for attaching racks and baskets, is the same standard Rad pattern as their other bikes.  That should be the case. 

If so, you might consider something like this; it will allow attaching one or two standard bottle holders to the front of your bike - I have it on my MiniST2 and it's very well-made, strong and works well:

Note that mounting this bracket and water bottles in that location may interfere with full lock-to-lock rotation of the front wheel and/or interference with cables that may need to be adjusted.  Easy to fix in my case, but just a heads-up to be aware of that.

I've seen others on various websites that also let you adjust the angle of the bottle(s), but I didn't need that feature.
Shucks Ma'am, I'm no "Hero Member", I just like to wear this cape.





Attached a bottle holder on the side, might not work for certain heights but works for me

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