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Started by STEVE RAD, June 07, 2023, 04:54:36 PM

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Quote from: JimInPT on June 19, 2023, 01:54:29 PM
Quote from: cssshb on June 19, 2023, 01:23:17 PMMy CC company says they cannot do a chargeback on the one that was functioning for 5 days. 1 out of 2 ain't that bad, I guess. I'll take what I can get at this point.

That may end up being the case, but it doesn't sit right with me, since if the manufacturer won't communicate about a quickly-failed product, the CC company is the only real leverage you have left and they can unilaterally take your money back from Rad's CC accounts I think.  When I signed my company up to take the various cards, the contract always had words like that in it.  But others have suggested making a stink on Rad's Facebook and other social forums to get attention; apparently that seems to have worked for others.

I would also call the CC company back and ask again.  If you get the same answer, try using the magic CSR phrase "Please escalate me to your customer-service management."  Everybody answering the phone at larger companies is somewhat limited, but always under the watchful eye of supervisors with more authority.  It could be that front-line people don't have the authority to override a policy like that and they're trying to avoid such situations. 

One other card you might consider playing is the safety-card - that might wake up the CC company's liability lawyers - or Rad's lawyers if you ever get through to a human there.  Something like "Look, the bike is dead and I don't know why but it looks like an electrical problem and I'm getting concerned it might trigger a lithium-battery fire depending on the problem that Rad won't talk to me about."  You certainly don't want to be exposed to an immediately-defective product that might start a fire, especially after you've made every effort to get it fixed up by the OEM.  If the CC company then is able to get your money back from Rad, you'd have some resources to have the bike and/or battery safely disposed of.

Just cogitating here about what I might do in your situation and hoping you can get it worked out to your satisfaction.

Great advice. I will call my CC company again. It was early in the morning when I made the call and was glad to get through so quickly. The agent was very patient in listening to me, and I did pushback when she said she would only do one chargeback. I'm going to give it another try.


Quote from: JimInPT on June 19, 2023, 01:54:29 PM
Quote from: cssshb on June 19, 2023, 01:23:17 PMMy CC company says they cannot do a chargeback on the one that was functioning for 5 days. 1 out of 2 ain't that bad, I guess. I'll take what I can get at this point.

I would also call the CC company back and ask again.  If you get the same answer, try using the magic CSR phrase "Please escalate me to your customer-service management."

It worked. I got them to do chargebacks on both bikes. I've been told by the CC company that Rad will likely reach out to me very quickly now. We shall see...


Quote from: cssshb on June 19, 2023, 03:39:49 PMIt worked. I got them to do chargebacks on both bikes. I've been told by the CC company that Rad will likely reach out to me very quickly now. We shall see...

Hey, that's great news!  Glad it worked out; I assume you have a support case number to refer to from the CC company.  Chargebacks can be the death of businesses and they try very hard to never get them - they are black marks on the CC's client record and too many can get a company banned from accepting that card brand.  I owned a restaurant, which classification almost never gets chargebacks (problems usually get solved in real time right there on the floor) but clothing and other merchandise places can get them for all sorts of reasons, including irrational customers and outright scam attempts.

Anyway, I agree with the CSR that Rad should react as quickly as if poked with a red-hot poker - two bike chargebacks of that magnitude should wake the dead.  It's not a done deal until the money is back in your account, but hopefully you're on track for satisfaction one way or the other.
Shucks Ma'am, I'm no "Hero Member", I just like to wear this cape.


Quote from: cssshb on June 19, 2023, 01:23:17 PM
I am now on day 12 of waiting for a response from Rad regarding a bike that arrived DOA.

that's the mistake right there.

don't wait 12 days.

call EVERY day.


Quote from: Tree on June 24, 2023, 07:35:11 AM
Quote from: cssshb on June 19, 2023, 01:23:17 PM
I am now on day 12 of waiting for a response from Rad regarding a bike that arrived DOA.

that's the mistake right there.

don't wait 12 days.

call EVERY day.

You can't "call every day". They don't operate via phone anymore. Try, you'll just get a recording and nothing else, click. It hangs up on you. It's all email. That's it.

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