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Dual Battery

Started by crorris, May 19, 2023, 07:36:20 AM

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Does anyone have experience with this dual battery balancer option? It looks very easy to install and comes with all the cables. It doesn't allow for charging the batteries on the bike, but I don't do that anyway. I just ordered one.

I actually ordered it to use my four Rad Rover 5 batteries I already have with my new Lectric Trike using an extra battery mounting plate/harness that I purchased from Rad. Before I do that, I'm going to test it on my Rover 5 as well and see if I want to get a second one for it.


Interesting and a good price. Can you connect two batteries of different voltage, or do the voltages need to be the same. ?


The batteries should be of the same voltage rating (both 48v or both 52v, etc.), but they can be at different charge levels such as one being full and the other being half full.
You do not need to remove the batteries from the bike, but you do need to charge each battery with it's own charger. You cannot use one charger to charge both batteries at the same time, like you can with parallel battery setups.

Excellent price by the way, let us know how it works out.


I am running 3 batteries in parallel. The team at Grin Tech ( said I do not need a balancer box since they are all 48v. Assume you need that if voltage is different, but then you run off the lower voltage anyway. They were right. over 1200 miles and not a single issue. The 2nd battery (14ah) hides in the center storage box of the rad runner 2 and I have a huge plastic crate from Uline as a basket holding a 3rd battery (reention 11.9ah) that one has the bms turning it off after a few min of bike off so I can press the button on it to turn it on if I want. And I regularly charge all 3 from the stock battery. I know some say this is wrong. But no issues with heat or anything. I can also charge all three separately if I am pressed on time.

Hope this helps... The 2 extra batteries are good quality from salvaged rental city bikes that people rent at stations hence I got them for a great deal. Believe they came from Vancouver. They are not knock off Alibaba kind. Meaning, there is always a risk of fire with lithium batteries. Safer to not leave plugged in overnight or park bike away from flammable objects.

-Rad Runner 2
-Grin Base Runner controller
-Cycle Analyst screen
-G62 Bafang 1000w rear
-Magura MT7e brakes for safety (amazing brakes with soft feel, can use one finger)
*Adding front regen motor and phaserunner controller next.


Quote from: polskicowboy on June 22, 2023, 12:26:52 PM
I am running 3 batteries in parallel. The team at Grin Tech ( said I do not need a balancer box since they are all 48v. Assume you need that if voltage is different, but then you run off the lower voltage anyway. They were right. over 1200 miles and not a single issue. The 2nd battery (14ah) hides in the center storage box of the rad runner 2 and I have a huge plastic crate from Uline as a basket holding a 3rd battery (reention 11.9ah) that one has the bms turning it off after a few min of bike off so I can press the button on it to turn it on if I want. And I regularly charge all 3 from the stock battery. I know some say this is wrong. But no issues with heat or anything. I can also charge all three separately if I am pressed on time.

Hope this helps... The 2 extra batteries are good quality from salvaged rental city bikes that people rent at stations hence I got them for a great deal. Believe they came from Vancouver. They are not knock off Alibaba kind. Meaning, there is always a risk of fire with lithium batteries. Safer to not leave plugged in overnight or park bike away from flammable objects.

-Rad Runner 2
-Grin Base Runner controller
-Cycle Analyst screen
-G62 Bafang 1000w rear
-Magura MT7e brakes for safety (amazing brakes with soft feel, can use one finger)
*Adding front regen motor and phaserunner controller next.

Seems really cool. Did you do all the upgrades yourself or did you pay a shop? I'd love to add another battery bur I'm not sure how.



my dream is to get a second battery for my RR6+.

the easiest option would be to just get another integrated battery, but damn, i don't want to buy another rad battery :D


Contact Gareth at "" He has the DATEX-2 (allowing for two batteries) and the DATEX-3, allowing for three batteries.  Voltage doesn't matter, and neither does WH. 

I have the standard Rad battery on my RR+.  I added a 17.5 W battery from BGB.  My range is nearly 70 miles. I haven't pushed it. I also got the BGB DATEX-3. I have an idea for another power system on a trailer for travel.  Another 48V battery, a Flexible 200w solar panel, and a charge controller connected to the 3rd port on the DATEX-3.

go to, chat, or talk to Gareth.  His batteries are Samsung cores, and he ships them directly.  He has a bunch of RAD accessories at decent prices.   Those come from London, UK, but I've found it worth it!!!
Sorry I haven't used ICQ, AIM, MSN, YIM for over 15 years.  Neither should you.  Search my name on FB, YT, TW, & those others.  I've been online since 1992. Most of that time as a Systems & Network Engineer.


i think what i want is an integrated battery that fits the RR6+, but isn't a rad battery.

anyone seen anything like this?

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