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DIY Rad Runner + truck bed rack?

Started by Firemarshal Bill, February 22, 2023, 10:50:04 AM

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Firemarshal Bill

We purchased two Rad Runner + ebikes a few months ago and we LOVE the bikes!  We've ridden all the local areas within a single battery charge from home.  So we're thinking of expanding our riding area by mounting both RR+ bikes inside the bed of our new Ford Maverick pickup truck to carry our bikes to some nice riding areas beyond that 20-mile range from home.  Can anyone point me in the right direction for any DIY plans for building a 2-bike rack made from 1.5 inch PVC pipe so the bikes are carried standing upright in my short-bed Maverick pickup? The truck has a 120v (40w) plug in the bed so we could even charge the bike batteries while traveling. Suggestions?  Thanks!


I made a nice rack for my Chevy Colorado  out of some 2x6's. It may be a little heavier than what you want. I got the idea from this page and made some minor changes. It works great. I can post a picture if you want.


I built this same rack for our RR6 plus bikes, and It works great. I painted it black. I use it in an older '96 Ford F150 truck. I also use an aluminum ramp I used for a motorcycle to load the bikes into the bed of the truck.

Sent from my SM-G988U using Tapatalk


Rad's little 2A chargers pull 100-120 Watts... Each. I realize it's been a few months since your post, I hope your "40w" was a typo, and that your truck & bikes are ok.

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