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My first 500 miles

Started by Firemarshal Bill, November 15, 2022, 08:53:06 AM

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Firemarshal Bill

My wife and I had our matching Rad Runner + bikes delivered on August 31st and a couple days later we had them assembled and ready to ride.  Riding our Rad ebikes has been a much more pleasant experience that I expected!  We spend more time outside in the fresh air and never have to worry about having to get off and push our bikes up our long driveway hill. I've put just over 500 miles on mine so far and the simple joy of cruising along country roads with the breeze in my face is just so quietly relaxing.  My only complaint is that my hands have poor circulation and they get SO cold when the weather is cooler than 50 degrees, it's just not too much fun.  Waiting patiently for Spring!



I've had mine since January and have gone a bit more than 2,200 miles. They're fun and absolutely life changing!

john in Idaho

Costco has gloves from time to time.  I got some that keep my hands warm, and some lighter weight ones for summer, in case I spill to protect my hands. My 80 yr old hands get bruises rather easily.


I bought some handlebar mitts from Rad for my RW4 and they work well. I've ridden in 0 C (32 F) with light gloves and it was fine. You may want to try them out as well.


In my motorcycling days I remember seeing clothing including gloves that could be heated with a small current of electricity from batteries, Havent seen anything like that since tho.

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