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Can I use an EggRider on a Radmission and how many amps onthe controller setting

Started by JLDach, October 29, 2022, 04:42:51 PM

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Can the Radmission handle an EggRider v2 and how many amps can the controller handle ?


Yes, I'm not really sure. On Eggrider's facebook page it seems like most people set theirs to 18 or 19 for sport mode. I think 24 is the max, but if you set it too high it will just go back to whatever is the controller's default.

Make sure you set the wheel size to the smallest you can in Lishui settings, and put the accurate wheel size in Display settings. This will give you the most speed, but leave the GPS accurate.


Quote from: JLDach on October 29, 2022, 04:42:51 PM
Can the Radmission handle an EggRider v2 and how many amps can the controller handle ?
Many YouTube videos to watch on EggRider v2, as well as discussions on the sub Reddit specific to the RadMission. I?ll also be getting one when back in stock.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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