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Need help with diameter of rear down tube on radwagon 4

Started by aegert, September 12, 2022, 06:55:16 PM

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Hey thanks for any help here RAD is of none. I have a RadWagon4 I put a custom seat on the back deck. I wanted to ad ATV 6 foot chaser LED whips to it for Burning man. The bike is in my container out in Gehrlach NV I'm in NY LOL. Looking to see if anyone with a bike can get me the diameter of the rear down tube on the RadWagon4. this is the tube running from the rear deck down the bike . On the orange bike its orange with a blue stripe so I can build up brackets or clams . the existing clamps fit 1.75-2".

The tube in question is circled in the attached pic thanks!!!

Any help is a blessing thanks in advance!



The diameter of the tube is 4?? 

I think
Are talking about something different. Did you see my picture. I?m looking for the diameter of that tube not the length. 🙏🧡🌞♾


Hi aegert,
I don't have a calliper so I can't give an exact measurement. However, on my RW4 and based on my tape measure and on my crescent wrench opening the tubes you've highlighted in your photo are 1 1/4 inch diameter (32 mm). That's as good as I can get the measurement so I hope it helps.


Awesome! Thanks that?s good enough. I can put spacers in so between 1-1.75 clamps with spacers will work 🙏🧡🌞♾

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