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Trouble undoing the adjustment screws of front disc brake of New RadRhino 5

Started by FaBBoPeep, September 03, 2022, 05:29:11 AM

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Hi everyone,

I've just taken delivery of a brand new RadRhino5 for my wife and have followed the Youtube video to setup the bike however I now have a problem. Both the front and rear disc pads were binding on the discs and while I've re-positioned and adjusted the rear successfully, (and very easily within about 5 minutes), the locking screws on the front are ridiculously tight and having tried several different tools and even extending the handle of the Alan key they are showing absolutely no sign of budging and I'm concerned that continuing to apply excessive force will result in stripping the heads of the screws. Having adjusted the rear so easily, it's very disappointing that the front is so different, it's almost like someone has loctited the screws in. Has anyone else come across this please and any ideas how to safely loosen these adjustment screws?

After everything was going so well, needless to say I am now very frustrated by the silly stumbling block. I imagine that the brakes often require adjustment after shipping so why on earth are these screws done up so tight!

Thanks in advance.


Finally all sorted, found a good fitting allen bit and used this in combination with a socket wrench.  :)

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