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RW4 Discontinued?

Started by RadMig, September 03, 2022, 03:17:48 AM

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Currently out of stock with major problems regarding the safety notice do not ride..Any thoughts?


Great.....  I'll double the price of mine when I sell it.


Lol... That's worth thinking about!! Brilliant..

Radio Runner

Hmmm? I'll go out on a limb and say a major redesign is happening. Poor decision to ever use a non standard wheel size. This has been an issue with almost every bike manufacturer to try doing something "fresh". When it comes to tire supply you stay with what is standard. There is a reason XtraCycle choose 20" as the rear wheel.


My guess is that it's not out of stock or discontinued. They're closing orders because of the safety issue. Better to simply say it's out of stock. Otherwise, what else would they say: "Temporarily unavailable while we resolve a dangerous tire flaw"  ;)


Agreed thank goodness mine has been cleared to ride again


Quote from: jbroehl on September 08, 2022, 01:39:21 PM
My guess is that it's not out of stock or discontinued. They're closing orders because of the safety issue. Better to simply say it's out of stock. Otherwise, what else would they say: "Temporarily unavailable while we resolve a dangerous tire flaw"  ;)

Exactly. No sense selling a bunch of bikes with faulty/dangerous tires installed.


Quote from: Radio Runner on September 04, 2022, 10:36:43 PM
Hmmm? I'll go out on a limb and say a major redesign is happening. Poor decision to ever use a non standard wheel size. This has been an issue with almost every bike manufacturer to try doing something "fresh". When it comes to tire supply you stay with what is standard. There is a reason XtraCycle choose 20" as the rear wheel.

This is an interesting idea. I could see the RW5 having 20" tires; they could potentially drop the rear rack height even lower.

However, the RW4 has been extremely popular. Where I live, it isn't unusual to see multiple RW4s in the wild when I go on a five mile ride. Those riders are going to still want tires. Making a 22" tire that doesn't pop under normal conditions isn't a major technological hurdle. Rad better get it right this time.

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