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Battery Charging Preference

Started by Gray Beard, September 01, 2022, 06:35:26 PM

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Do you leave the battery in the bike or take it out to charge?

Leave battery in bike
4 (33.3%)
Remove battery from bike
8 (66.7%)

Total Members Voted: 12

Voting closed: September 15, 2022, 06:35:26 PM

Gray Beard

Just curious to see how you charge the battery.


Mine stays on until the garage approaches freezing in the winter, then it and the charger bunk down indoors for the winter, along with batteried accessories.  My battery's not simple to remove anyway, due to the ease of stealing these with a blank key.
Shucks Ma'am, I'm no "Hero Member", I just like to wear this cape.


BOOB = Battery Outlet Outlet Battery, plug and unplug sequence. 

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