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Started by Cynic, September 01, 2022, 08:37:18 AM

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Recieved my new Rad 6+ two weeks ago. Bike turns on, lights/brake lights work ... no power assist, no throttle. Waited 12 days for response from Rad. "check connectors" and the usual brake cut off advise. nothing changed. Does anyone have a wiring schematic with current info so I can start and test for real? Summer is almost over here in Canada....
Looks like Rad is sending me a new controller. I will update if it fixes the problem.


I feel your pain.
Mine broke down on the first day.
2 weeks for a new controller from Rad.  Oops...need some new torx keys now,  I don't own any 6, 7 or 8's. Another week passes waiting for them . Wasn't the controller. Rad then sent a new wiring harness. 2 weeks later...Nope, not that. And another 2 weeks, As Rad sends me a new Controller UI.
Finally we're rolling again.

On the upside, I have some hard to get  spare parts.

Good luck to you.  Keep on posting.

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