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Multifunctional luggage/passenger Radrunner

Started by Tommyboy, July 18, 2022, 09:38:33 PM

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Hi. I'm thinking about getting a RR to replace my car but I'm worried I won't be able to use it for grocery shopping and taking my kids places. Is there some quick and easy way to turn the passenger seat into a luggage rack or similar? TIA.



Can you give an update on how to attach a trailer or kids bike trailer (for gear) to the rad runner?  I am trying to use my passenger seat and pull snowboards and skis to the ski hill.  Parking is crazy so I am hoping for an easy fix with the Rad Runner. 
Are there specific brands you'd recommend for ease of attachment and better at higher speeds? Any info is appreciated :)


I used an axle extension to attach to a Thule trailer to my radmission. I would think it should work for a RR. 


I use the Robert Axel adapter above as well with my Rad Rover 5 and a Schwinn bike trailer. I just rode 253 miles on the Katy Trail across Missouri with this with about 75 lbs of stuff in the trailer. It worked perfectly.


I came up with a quick-swap system for the passenger seat and a collapsible milk crate. You need a 3d printer to make some of the parts but I'll likely release those files soon or might sell finished parts on etsy.

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