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Suspension Forks

Started by bsbarretto, July 10, 2022, 12:19:12 PM

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Has anyone found a compatible suspension fork for the Expand 5?

Rad Roller

Rad dealer told me that the Rad Mini forks will not fit the expand because they are different inside the fork neck, (diff. kind of fork).  Tried to calm the ride a bit  so I placed "Slime" in both tires to help with flats not occuring and the forward motion rolling. I Also place a Ganopper suspension seat post on the lowest setting inside the post.I replaced the sport racing seat with a Selle Royale Gelle seat that I found at Walmart.  The bike rides like a champion now, climbs hills like mad. I logged 35 miles on my last ride. No pain. I picked up a four inch nail at the end of the ride. I found it in the tube which was half inflated still and got me all the way home.  Amazing. such fun. Live life, ride free. Stay RAD!


Which of the Ganopper seat posts did you get? I see a few different ones.


I am new to e-bikes and I purchased my RadExpand end of September.  I love riding the bike and plan on using it to handle my bird dogs in training, which I?ve done on multiple occasions.  I am disappointed with the rigid fork when traveling on packed rough gravel roads/trails.  Am interested in trying your solution.  BUT I am NOT mechanically oriented.  How easy is it to put the suspension gizmo in the front post?  I am pretty sure I can get my car mechanic to do it for me.  I can handle the seat post myself, no worries there, and I have slimed tires before.



I used the suntour suspension seat post with a cloud 9 seat.  The seat I have had on my last 3 ebikes its 5 years old and still going strong. I also put the tannus armor in the tires so i can run at a lower tire pressure. I usually run no more than 20psi in the snow i go down as low as 10psi currently i am at 15 psi for the winter.  That really helps with windy days because i can feel the tires grip when the wind tries to blow me sideways.  All things considered my ride is very comfortable

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