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Motorcycle headlight housing over stock Radrunner 2 headlight

Started by Premo, June 25, 2022, 03:10:37 PM

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So? I hate the tiny ugly headlight that comes with the radrunner 2. The ?upgrade? one isn?t much better. I?m my quest to make my bike look like a cafe style motorcycle, I had an idea.

I don?t ever ride at night and have never once even used my light so this is more for the look than the function (though it still works)

I purchased a cheap $25 motorcycle headlight from Amazon and began to rip it apart to essentially house the current headlight inside. No wiring, no soldering. My goal was to simply insert the current light inside the bigger motorcycle light housing.

This obviously means that you wouldn?t be getting any brighter or extra light from this hack. It?s simply for looks.

So I pulled everything apart, cut a couple notches and used some epoxy to secure the light inside and bolted it with the included brackets higher on the bars like an actual motorcycle. I plugged it back in to the original plug and it worked great! Looks way cooler in my opinion and still functional. It may even get some brighter shine due to the reflective housing on the new headlight. It?s also fully adjustable and you can aim it where you want.

Anyway. Here?s some pics. Hope this inspires you to do some hack mods!


Very interesting. I bought the same light, with the intention of powering it from a lipo pack. But the output on 11.1V pack I built is rubbish. This would be an excellent Plan B.

Your method means no extra power source, and no extra buttons for daytime running. I run "lights on" all the time, more so I'm seen, than to see. 

I already did something similar to the rear, it's in my build thread.

BTW, How's that mount working out for you?


I've done the same thing, but the brackets that came with the bike seem too loose. Did you use something to tighten them on the handle bars?

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