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Brain fart

Started by Keithp7, June 15, 2022, 01:57:14 PM

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K-TOR Power Box 50
Okay, got this idea. What if we use our legs to produce more power than what we would consume or add more distance at least.
That K-Tor power pedal is cool. Say we have the bike do just what it does normally from the battery...but we pedal and it adds to the battery. The bike runs from the battery to the motor with throttle and all...your just not peddling to keep you going or to kick in the assist...your pedaling for power assist.
I see something like this being like a mid-drive unit with a possible flywheel set.
If you could figure out how to spin the generator at high speed with would set the pedaling for comfort and pedal for the battery.
Let me know what you all think and let's do something about it if we can.


That's a great thought. I like the idea of pedalling at your preferred cadence and effort while your bike would use it's battery and controller to cover the distance. One would need a cruise control and maybe a throttle to adjust your speed.

However one would need to examine the concept deeper or more closely as one already contributes many tens of watts of power while pedalling. People produce around 200 watts per hour and fit people produce 300 or more. If one was to only use the throttle then setting this up would extend your ability to go further. However if one used pedal assist as you rode I think one would actually go further than when using a pedal generator to charge your battery while riding.

Many DIY types have conducted lots of tests comparing how far one can ride when using just the throttle verses using pedal assist. I presume one would travel further using a pedal generator instead of simply using only the throttle. However I think pedal assist would get you further. If you have the ability to set this up and test it I would definitely be interested in the results.


Serious weight reduction (bike and rider), friction reduction (ceramic wheel bearings), better suspension seat post and handlebar shock damping (allow higher tire pressure without full suspension), longer wheelbase (within reason, to reduce pedal thrust angle displacement).

There may be some gains available in chain/sprocket development where finer chain pitch provides lower cyclic torque variation.  Honda learned that lesson in the early 1960s during development of its chain-drive DOHC Grand Prix motorcycle engines.  They used paired chains, offset 1/2 tooth from each other, to smooth the driven rotation of the camshafts.

Modern car/truck engines have gone to very small (short pitch) timing chains to improve accuracy and durability of the camshaft drive.  Back in the early 1970s the "big, strong" double row timing chains would hammer the cam followers and shafts. 

Sometimes "less" is a lot "more".  Just remember....anything you engineer that you find making ANY heat, is lost calories of energy.  That applies mechanically or electrically.


The device adds 7 pounds, and is not 100% efficient in conversion from mechanical energy to electrical energy (nothing is). The process of pedaling the bike without this unit is more effective (mechanical energy sent to the wheel via chain), even if it is not as cool of a concept.

You could test it though, and measure your watt hours per mile to compare to a setup without the K-TOR.


Quote from: Altema on June 17, 2022, 06:00:20 AM
The device adds 7 pounds, and is not 100% efficient in conversion from mechanical energy to electrical energy (nothing is). The process of pedaling the bike without this unit is more effective (mechanical energy sent to the wheel via chain), even if it is not as cool of a concept.

You could test it though, and measure your watt hours per mile to compare to a setup without the K-TOR.

I agree.  Energy generation, storage, retrieval, and driving a motor each has efficiency losses relative to a chain.

I would invest in fairings to cut wind resistance first. They are very useful at ebike speeds.

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