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What shifter cable is used by RadPower Bikes?

Started by ceoloide, June 13, 2022, 10:49:25 AM

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Howdy everyone,

what shifter cable brand / type does RadPower Bikes use on their bikes? More specifically, what does a RadCity ST 3 need?

I recently brought my RadCity 3 ST to a reputable bike shop in NYC, only to receive it with many things unresolved and more problems than I had before. Right now, the derailleur is not shifting up from any lower gear, and it's clear the shifter cable doesn't slide freely in the housing inside the downtube, while it moves freely in the derailleur section and inside the shifter.

I suspect the local bike shop replaced the wire or did something to the cable management, but I am not sure. I noticed today the shifter cable is marked "Jagwire Lex" so I am wondering if that's the original one or not.

Thanks everyone,



Shifter and brake cables can be bought more or less by the roll. So can the "housing" the cables run in. One can also get the tools to put the ends on them too. Therefore one can fix the cables themselves, usually by just replacing the cable part of the system.

I'm assuming you mean "up" as from the smallest sprocket to a larger one on the rear cassette? Your description leads me to believe your shifter cable is either broken or it has been set so loose it won't pull the derailleur. That may be why it won't shift up. If you are not familiar with fixing your bike have a look at Youtube videos on how to set and adjust shift cables. Brake cables are going to be similar.

I also suggest finding another bike shop as they should have never given your bike back to you without ensuring everything is working properly.

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