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New 52v battery with existing 48V battery

Started by reggy, June 02, 2022, 08:16:23 PM

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I'm looking for a second 52v battery. Have an existing 48v-14aH battery on my radmini4, and looking best way to either run them in parallel or separately. Any idea why a similar battery is prices differently from each company? Do you get what you pay for with batteries? The Electro Bike battery are $170 dollars more expensive, is it worth it?

Electro Bike World 52v 17Ah Fat Shark Battery $739.99 "uses AODA cells"

EUNORAU 52V17AH Down Tube Ebike Battery For Conversion Kit $569.00 USD "All the battery from EUNORAU with original SANYO,LG,SAMSUNG cells"

Anyone using a EUNORAU Dual Battery Hardware Converter or similar like the datex2?
I've emailed Electro Bike World, and they said they don't recommend using this device as it degrades the batteries quicker. Recommends using one battery at a time instead. Can anyone comment? Of have experience with either of the batteries listed?


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