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dang error 25

Started by Barnold, May 27, 2022, 04:36:50 PM

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Is this a common problem? I've had error 25 since I bought the bike 9 months ago. Been through 3 taillight assemblies and a new controller. Still getting error 25. Rad has been OK about sending out replacement parts, but I'm getting nowhere. The bike sometimes works, often not. If I get it running, it has a habit of quitting after a few minutes. Total miles ridden in nine months: 110.  I thought I'd use it daily but I can't take far from the house without some backup plan for getting home with a dead bike. My wife won't touch the thing.

Sorry for the whine, but yes it's frustrating. I'd like to know if others have had similar recurring problems and found solutions. I hope I don't have a Rad lemon.



Look on RAD's site. There is a trouble shooting guide to help find the problem. I got error 25 and RAD said it's usually brake related and to do the trouble shooting guide on their site. I have been lazy so I haven't done the steps yet. Being the error went away after unplugging my tail light I have been putting it off. I haven't been in a rush being I didn't see replacement parts on their site. I emailed and asked about the parts but all they responded with was to do the trouble shooting. Trouble shooting won't do me any good if parts are not available.



Just pointing out the obvious.  The computer checks all the connections before starting.  The bike should be completely still.  The brakes should not be applied.  Then when you start, your chances of getting this error are less.

If I try to start the bike while moving, if I am straddling the bike and applied my brakes while trying to turn on, or if the bike is moving even just a little bit, Error 25 shows up. 

I am sure you all know this but if not, here it is above.


As mentioned previously, bike still, no brakes during power on.  Pretty sure error 25 was what I had right out of the box on my Mini4.  Rad troubleshooting: some brake handles stick, there is a magnet inside that sticks and disables motor/bike.  Disconnect separately each brake connection near handle and then power up to see if that was the issue.  Can still ride disconnected but will not disable motor.  If brake handle is issue, try to squeeze/apply brake, release sharply, tends to unstick magnet. 


Quote from: GMac on June 02, 2022, 05:04:02 AM
As mentioned previously, bike still, no brakes during power on.  Pretty sure error 25 was what I had right out of the box on my Mini4.  Rad troubleshooting: some brake handles stick, there is a magnet inside that sticks and disables motor/bike.  Disconnect separately each brake connection near handle and then power up to see if that was the issue.  Can still ride disconnected but will not disable motor.  If brake handle is issue, try to squeeze/apply brake, release sharply, tends to unstick magnet.

Sort of funny (not really) the same thing happened to me.  It took me 5 months to get a replacement brake lever from Rad.

So it is a two-wire circuit, as you can tell from taking the connectors apart.  The two wires are not connected in a working bike until you apply brakes.  When you apply brakes, the two wires are connected and the motor shuts off.  There is a magnet in the brake lever.  There is a magnetic detector attached to the wire that leads to your brake handle.  Somehow, when you apply the brakes, the sensor either sense the presence of the magnet or the absence of the magnet and connects the wire.

Do the following at your own peril.  I am not taking responsibility.

Things you can check - is the magnet still there?  Look at the brake handle for the good brake lever to see where the magnet is located.

You can remove the wire which is attached to the magnet and move the magnet around the hole to see if it works better.

But a set of brake levers from Amazon for $20.  Which is what I did.  Plug and play.  BUT - the pull of the Amazon lever is less so you have to adjust your brakes even more carefully.  Or buy a set of "travel agents" to increase the pull - but the travel agents do not fit so you have to take some sandpaper and a dremel and make it fit.  It is a lot of work and I don't suggest you do it unless you like modifying things.

Complain to Rad.  Wait for Rad to send new levers.  I hope you don't have to wait 5 months.  Nobody sells them.  I cannot buy them.

Keep your unplugged ends protected from moisture or corrosion.  Especially the end to the controller because if that goes, you are going to need to replace the controller.

Not having motor cutoff does not bother me riding at all - not one bit.  I have been riding for decades and nobody wastes energy by pedaling and applying brakes at the same time.  I think most other bikers learn this early on too.  There is a safety issue with not having brake lights.  That is more serious as I like to be safe.  This bothers me.


I just pulled my bike out from storage, and got the error 25 code!! I've gone thru all the youtube video and the Rad site trouble shooting but the only thing that lets me ride is to unplug the back light...and then the front light doesn't work.

Was anyone able to fix this?? I see multiple posts about the problem and complicated, expensive possible fixes, but? I have only 100 miles on the bike for goodness sakes!

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