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How do you feel about the gear system on RadExpand ?

Started by chopday, May 03, 2022, 10:35:14 AM

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I am not an experienced user of bicycles with gears have always ridden bicycles on flat terrain in Florida. I have had a Schwinn bike bike in the past with Shimano gear system and the one of RadExpand is micro-shift - so just wanted to hear feedback from experienced users on gear system on RadExpand.

Also if there is a beginners guide on efficiently use gears - please share a link  :D


I have answered this in the general "new model" forum, but it bears repeating.  I do not like the leaver button style shifters because they hurt my thumb (which is so not cool).  I am wondering if it can be substituted for a grip style shifter (I have this on my non-bike).


So I had a bike shop change out the leaver shifter for a grip shifter (I hate the micro shift derailleur  will talk to Rad about this at some point). They had to take the throttle and put a L hand side one one and keep the grip shifter on the R.  See pics 1st  is original and 2nd is the modified one.  Works so much better (but a mid range Shimano should be on this bike)

Radio Runner

For those who want to get more technical, Rad also spec'd a different freewheel cog set as well. The high gear is now a 12 tooth instead of the Rad Mini's 11 tooth. This will kill some high end gear range.


Hi, chopday. Some people live a throttle-only existence, and consider the pedals footpegs, but that doesn't sound like you. That is, you are a rider who intends to pedal. Correct? Beyond that, what is it you are looking to find out? How to physically pedal a 7-speed derailleur equipped bike efficiently (I can help you there)? Are you interested in comparing the Expand 5's groupo to Shimano, or are you looking for technical feedback on Rad's choice of and spacing of the reduction ratios with the Expand 5? Let us know.

Quote from: chopday on May 03, 2022, 10:35:14 AM
I am not an experienced user of bicycles with gears have always ridden bicycles on flat terrain in Florida. I have had a Schwinn bike bike in the past with Shimano gear system and the one of RadExpand is micro-shift - so just wanted to hear feedback from experienced users on gear system on RadExpand.

Also if there is a beginners guide on efficiently use gears - please share a link  :D


I have a RadExpand 5 and didn't like the shift leaver or the microshift derailleur...crapy shifting.  But I had a bike shop replace the micro for a mid-level Shimano derailleur  and a grip shifter and it smooth as can be.  I am able to shift more efficiently and not waste the battery staying in a gear because of bad gear shifter. Worth the money to have the modifications done. 


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