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Rad Rover 6+

Started by zbanker, April 27, 2022, 01:23:27 PM

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Hi All,

New to the forum.  Great discussions.  I have a 19 mile 2021 Rad Rover 6+ that the front brake needs work.  The lever goes all the way to the handle.  Previous owner said they accidently caught the lever and it pulled the plunger out of the reservoir.   The plunger is now replaced and the I am left we a unresponsive brake.  What type of fluid does it take to fill the reservoir to test it?


Sad, all I get is an add from the Forum.  After some research, the Brakes are made by Nutt and use Mineral Oil.  Easy enough, just got a kit and some mineral oil followed  youtube video and I was good to go.


Don't feel too bad; hydraulic brakes are brand-new to Rads on the two new models and I have yet to hear any chat about doing any work on them at all so far - you seem to be the first one, so glad to see you got it sorted out and owners here now have a bit more info about them for future reference.  And I've found that providing a bit more detail about the question in the subject line will draw more attention that just the bike model.

Welcome to the gang, by the way.
Shucks Ma'am, I'm no "Hero Member", I just like to wear this cape.


Found a good article on the Nutt Hydraulic brakes that was very helpful.   First one is to top off the the second is to do an actual bleed.

Top Off

Nutt Brake Bleed

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