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How do i get my headlight to turn on ?

Started by DT, April 24, 2022, 12:46:18 PM

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New owner of a used 2018 maybe 2019 Radrover. I can't get the headlight to turn on although I did see it on a couple times.  I have looked thru the manual and no luck.  the only number I see on the controller is 601013U18 ... I feel like I have pushed all the buttons.  I know know the light has a "switch' for a photo sensor on the back.
Thanks in advance for any information to turn my light on ....

PS  I cant seem to add photos

Jay West

Press and hold MODE to turn on the bike. Push the UP arrow and MODE button at the same time to turn on the light.


Jay West, I can't thank you enough !  I thought I had tried every combination but obviously had not. 
Thanks again for your help !


The same combination to switch off   !!!!



For the e-bike backlight, you?ll find a button on this light, press the button and the light should turn on. Press once to turn it on, then press again to make the lights blink, and press again to make it blink but with slower intervals.

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